Hooray!!! My picture book, ANNIE'S PLAID SHIRT, was referenced on HBO's RealTime with Bill Maher!
In Season 16, Ep. 8, comedian Bill Maher discussed children's books with LGBT themes. Specifically, he showed various book covers and stated there are books about boys who dress like girls and books about girls who dress like boys. That's when he showed ANNIE'S PLAID SHIRT!
I'm grateful he mentioned the topic and displayed my book. THANK YOU, BILL MAHER!
SIGNED AND PERSONALIZED copies of ANNIE'S PLAID SHIRT can be purchased at Upswing Press. The book is also available at Amazon. ISBN#: 978-0-692-51245-6
Stacy B. Davids, Ph.D. is an author, psychologist, and indie publisher. Find out more.